Social Networking

Social Media

“I know I should to get into social media, but should I be using FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or one of the others? So how do I start, and what should I write about?”

Develop & drive Social Media

Use your social media to build contacts and engagement through regular updates & comments. We can help you:

  • Set up and synchronise your business social media channels.
  • Branding – ensure the same look and feel is used across all social media.
  • Lead generation activity – use social media effectively in all your promotions and campaigns, reinforcing your sales messages.
  • Content & copywriting – we can write a regular news blog for you and promote it with social media updates
  • Synchronise your updates across all your social media at once.
  • Drive links to your website, because search engines like social media in a business environment.


  • Conduct ‘Social Listening’ or pro-active news watch on social media.
  • Ensure everything works on multiple devices, e.g. PCs, tablets, smart phones.
  • Customer services – social media can be great for customer services, so be ready to react quickly to any customer & press complaints or questions.

The world of social media continues to develop and change rapidly, and is becoming increasingly important for promoting your company and interacting with prospects, customers, partners, and other interested parties. Let us help you build a good foundation to grow from.